East Iredell Middle School “Constitution Day”

East Iredell Middle School “Constitution Day”

Recently, I volunteered via a program that Iredell County’s School Board Member, Mike Kubiniec, had set up for local citizens to help our area schools. (Iredell Standing for Truth’s article) In North Carolina, every September 17th is set aside as “Constitution Day” to help students understand WHY an over 200 year old framing document (the U.S. Constitution) is still so vital to our freedoms. Not only should we be teaching, daily, how important our U.S. Constitution is, but how important our N.C. Constitution is. 
NC Special Needs/Gifted & Talented: Are They Really Being Served?

NC Special Needs/Gifted & Talented: Are They Really Being Served?

If you’re the parent of one of these types of students, you may have distinct questions and concerns about what you’re seeing OR maybe not seeing when it comes to educational needs for them. As a NC & Iredell taxpayer, do you know what portions of your money goes towards special needs and/or gifted & talented? What tests or assessments are used in Iredell which sets these children apart from their peers? Those questions will be answered below, along with some other ‘need to know’ information.
NC Charter Schools: Good, Bad & Global

NC Charter Schools: Good, Bad & Global

This is the first in a series about the state of education for our county. Iredell County will, by default, connect to our state government in Raleigh, as well as at a federal level (based in DC). However, Iredell County doesn’t stop there in its connection. It extends all the way to global entities like the United Nations. It’s my goal, by the end of the series for you, as a parent, taxpayer and American to be able to not only identify the underlying problems all this heaps upon us in our County, but how we can unite together to effect changes needed to, indeed have Iredell County become truly local in curriculum, testing and all that goes with it.
Langtree Charter Academy and It’s For-Profit Management Company

Langtree Charter Academy and It’s For-Profit Management Company

Finding the perfect school for our kids is so important to parents today. This is why school choice is such a treasured opportunity available to this generation of kids that wasn’t available in previous years. For those of us who are researching charter options, we may be looking for several offerings that match the needs of our family. For our family,…
Iredell Students have Digital Access to Public Library Obscene Books

Iredell Students have Digital Access to Public Library Obscene Books

For more than two years Paula Mimnaugh, has tirelessly endeavored to petition the Iredell County School Board to take action against the many obscene books that have been perversely introduced into our county’s public school libraries. The board and school supervisor have shown little concern about this very important moral issue in the past, and they have taken minimal action, removing…
How I Discovered Sexually Explicit Material in School Libraries and Those Who Fund It

How I Discovered Sexually Explicit Material in School Libraries and Those Who Fund It

I became aware of obscene books in our libraries in December of 2021. Tools to do research became available, like www.booklook.info  The Pavement Education Project www.pavementeducationproject.com , and I recently discovered another https://www.thekitchentableactivist.com/ . A national database https://www.destinydiscover.com/aasp/ui/pick/pick provides the ability to identify what books are in public school libraries in school districts across the United States. However, Iredell Statesville School’s superintendent…
Curating an Age Appropriate School Library in Iredell County

Curating an Age Appropriate School Library in Iredell County

Letter to Doug Knight, member of I-SS School Board: Thank you for serving on our school board as an example of an educated person who only wants the best for our children. I have been trying to understand the discussion and arguments over age-appropriate content of books.  There is much confusion over what is beneficial as opposed to what is legal. …
National Organization Pays Non-Resident Far-Left Radical to Influence MGSD BoE Elections

National Organization Pays Non-Resident Far-Left Radical to Influence MGSD BoE Elections

It's no surprise that NC is being targeted by far-left radical organizations in an attempt to sway voters to vote Democrat in upcoming elections.  Red, Wine & Blue ("RWB") is such a group and is working hard to build a presence in North Carolina and Iredell County.  But who is behind RWB and what are the goals of this radical group? …