East Iredell Middle School “Constitution Day”

East Iredell Middle School “Constitution Day”

Recently, I volunteered via a program that Iredell County’s School Board Member, Mike Kubiniec, had set up for local citizens to help our area schools. (Iredell Standing for Truth’s article) In North Carolina, every September 17th is set aside as “Constitution Day” to help students understand WHY an over 200 year old framing document (the U.S. Constitution) is still so vital to our freedoms. Not only should we be teaching, daily, how important our U.S. Constitution is, but how important our N.C. Constitution is. 
Personal Endorsement of Brooke McGowan for US Congress District 10

Personal Endorsement of Brooke McGowan for US Congress District 10

I have taken the time to do my research which entailed having multiple conversations with candidates by phone, in-person and through text, including Raquel Harrigan. Listening to interviews and attending forums. I wrote an article here in January. article here After attending Freedom Night, at Freedom House Church on February 8th, and listening to Charlie Kirk and Mark Robinson speak, I…
2024 Q1 UPCOMING  Political Events and Meetings

2024 Q1 UPCOMING  Political Events and Meetings

Please feel free to share with others in your sphere of influence – together we MUST make a difference in the Primary and November election this year.  Also remember to donate, volunteer and pray for our candidates! 1-25 Iredell County Republican Women, 4th Thursdays, Dist. 10 Candidates Grey Mills, Brooke McGowan, Pat Harrigan, 6 PM, Twisted Oak Restaurant, 121 N. Center…
Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

As we celebrate this week the holiday of Thanksgiving, we need to understand where this holiday came from in our Country. The following is the Official Presidential Proclamation from President George Washington declaring a day of Thanksgiving to acknowledge God’s gifts given to us.
Curating an Age Appropriate School Library in Iredell County

Curating an Age Appropriate School Library in Iredell County

Letter to Doug Knight, member of I-SS School Board: Thank you for serving on our school board as an example of an educated person who only wants the best for our children. I have been trying to understand the discussion and arguments over age-appropriate content of books.  There is much confusion over what is beneficial as opposed to what is legal. …
I-SS School Board’s Chairman Howell Has to Go

I-SS School Board’s Chairman Howell Has to Go

A perfect example of despotic political behavior and suppression of basic civil liberties has been on display during the I-SS school board's last three meetings. Chairman Bill Howell's dictatorial approach to school board leadership has polarized the members of the board and subjected the entire board to public humiliation and criticism. The focus of Howell's oppression has been his petty accusations…
I-SS Chairman Howell’s Lack of Due Process

I-SS Chairman Howell’s Lack of Due Process

My name is John Taylor of Mooresville. I have no children in the school system. I did, however, raise this right hand and swore before God to support and defend the Constitution, to "…secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY". My wife and I also emailed Chairman Howell, cc'ing the entire board. I strongly protest Chairman Howell's lack…
Support for Mr. Mike Kubiniec

Support for Mr. Mike Kubiniec

An email to the Iredell Statesville School Board, from Craig Mueller: In my 20 years of experience in leadership positions in education, I have been acquainted with dozens of school board members and half a dozen superintendents. This board and superintendent have been interesting to observe and get to know. I concur with Brian Sloan's statement at a recent BOE meeting…