“Don’t mess with our kids” Prayer Event in Raleigh, North Carolina


God made us male and female.  Blue is a color for boys and men, and pink  signifies girls and women.  The rally in Raleigh would be part of a fifty state call for prayer regarding every child as made in the image of God.  The plan has been in process nationwide for months as God has spoken personally to many believers.

God can ask us to do something small for Him and we don’t respond, saying “It won’t make a difference because it is too small”.  Then God can ask us to do something big, and we respond by saying, “It is too big!”  Again, we don’t stand up to the call on our lives.  Goldilocks, in the Three Bears story was like that – too hot, too cold, too hard, too soft.  Our God just wants us to say “yes” to His call or assignment.

A beautiful group of prayer warriors responded to the call to go to Raleigh to pray and stand with other believers on behalf of our future and our kids.  How amazing to have enough prayer warriors to need a bus to carry us all!  God provided beautiful weather and good timing for our arrival.  Only one bus was expected to arrive at the event and that was the Mooresville bus!  Praise God!

The venue was downtown Raleigh near the capitol building.  The event was located up several steps above street level.  As we arrived and turned the corner downtown we could see the pink and blue shirts of those gathered to pray and worship.  Our big white bus stopped at the intersection to release us with our flags and cheers of arrival.

Filling the intersection was another colorful group who had come to rally in protest of our prayer rally.  As we disembarked the bus, we were met with a crowd of colorful costumes, bull horns, sirens and rudeness.  The police intervened for our safety and we crossed the street without incident to join our prayer warriors.

For each person who responded in the natural to pray, fast and stand at this Call to the Capitol, I sense that there was a powerful spiritual release that happened.  The few minutes of our entrance to the event keeps flowing through my mind with music from the Rocky movie.  Envision in slow motion, a big, white bus swinging wide around the corner onto the street where a battle between good and evil was raging.  Shields up everyone!  We left our seats and became reinforcements in the spiritual battle.  We arrived as fresh warriors from a faraway land, volunteers who had said “yes, I’ll go” to the call of our mighty God.  SUDDENLY, we were physically in enemy territory but we came in the name of the Lord of the angel armies.

This testimony is from my perspective, but we heard from those who saw the bus arriving.  How far did you come?  WOW.  Mooresville!  How many?  You needed a bus?  WOW.  Your timing was awesome and a huge encouragement to see so many people join the rally!  Prayer warriors from Mooresville who engaged the evil of this world and stood tall in the battle:  our God is lifted up and Jesus is glorified by your actions on Saturday.  Blessed be the name of the Lord!  Hearing more Rocky music now….

Notes from Cheryl Pletcher