NC Special Needs/Gifted & Talented: Are They Really Being Served?

Lynne M Taylor (aka Common Core Diva)
April 2024
Author’s note: This is the second in a series about the state of education for our county. Iredell County will, by default, connect to our state government in Raleigh, as well as at a federal level (based in DC). However, Iredell County doesn’t stop there in its connection. It extends all the way to global entities like the United Nations.
It’s my goal, by the end of the series for you, as a parent, taxpayer and American to be able to not only identify the underlying problems all this heaps upon us in our County, but how we can unite together to effect changes needed to, indeed have Iredell County become truly local in curriculum, testing and all that goes with it.

An Entire Spectrum: from Special Needs to Gifted:
If you’re the parent of one of these types of students, you may have distinct questions and concerns about what you’re seeing OR maybe not seeing when it comes to educational needs for them.
As a NC & Iredell taxpayer, do you know what portions of your money goes towards special needs and/or gifted & talented? What tests or assessments are used in Iredell which sets these children apart from their peers? Those questions will be answered below, along with some other ‘need to know’ information.

Roots You May Know:
If you are a Bible reader or have studied the Old Testament, you know that the very first references to gifted/talented people were given directly by God to people readying to build the Tabernacle to house the Ark of the Covenant. (See Exodus Chapter 28) The first mention of a special needs child is also in the Old Testament. King David’s best friend, Jonathan, had a son who was lame by age 5. No detail was given as to how the disabling event happened. (See Second Samuel, Chapter 9)  Before EITHER of these events, parents were charged, by God, to be the sole educators of their children. In modern times, many homeschooling parents use this as their foundation. (See Deuteronomy Chapter 4).

If you don’t follow the Holy Bible, history will show you that those who were on the gifted/talented end of the Spectrum were educated, while those on the other end of the Spectrum were not. Oftentimes they were dismissed or treated inhumanely. This was especially evident in Ancient Greece and Rome.

Fast forward to the USA and you’ll find that it wasn’t until the mid to late 1800s that government run education was even present. Before then, when education took place it was either in the homes of the families or in parent organized and funded same schools. Why point out ‘government run’? Because the roots for BOTH gifted/talented and special needs started THERE.

Long time education researcher and whistle blower Samuel L Blumenfled shared in his book title “NEA: Trojan Horse in America” (1984), that if any one man could be credited with changing America’s education system from a libertarian one to a statist one, it was Horace Mann (page 16).
Mann’s influence in education would not have been possible, however, if it had not been for another person who came to America in the early 1800s. Robert Owen, often called the “Father of Socialism” (page 10). With him, many others from other nations joined him to create a communist colony. Naturally, these people supported and brought to the US, a Prussian style of education. That Prussian system of education has existed in the US ever since. It stresses the need for mastery of skills over intellect.
It’s in this context that present day special needs and gifted/talented education is bred.
In the book titled “School World Order” (2018, John Klyczek), the Prussian system was called ‘cradle to career’ for a workforce based population (page 23). Klyczek also laid out the 3 basic functions of this ‘cradle/career’: a) diagnostics (testing) and directing (course pathways); b) differentiating students (sorting them by testing), thus where they are sorted is how they will be trained (notice ‘educated’ isn’t the purpose); c) a system to support those who manage and those who serve.

Much like the Ancient civilizations, our education system has created a track which doesn’t promote intellect so much as a social hierarchy for power and control. Our US Constitution, as well as the NC State Constitution guaranteed us ‘freedom’, ‘liberty’ and our ‘pursuit’ of happiness. For our special needs students, as well as, the gifted/talented students the present American government dictated system is failing them horribly.

NC’s Standards:

Have you seen the North Carolina Education Standards for Special Needs students?
What about the Gifted/Talented Standards? (Use the above link and access “Exceptional Children” on the right hand menu)
After all, according the NC Dept of Public Instruction (which is in control of both ends of the Spectrum) says this:
a) that both ends are housed in the same office “Exceptional Children”
b) that the State ‘assures’ a system that’s ‘appropriate’ as well as ‘individualized’
c) that ultimate control of NC’s exceptional children is under the U.S. Dept of Education
d) MTSS (Multi Tiered Support Systems) are used on these exceptional children (at both ends of the spectrum). MTSS is also used on the students who fall in the middle, or are considered NEITHER special needs or gifted/talented. MTSS is part and parcel of the SEL (Social Emotional Learning) that was mandated by ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). Title One funding which had been used for ONLY those students who needed/qualified for student services, before ESSA, was shifted to ‘whole school’ in ESSA. Thus, no matter where on the Spectrum your child  landed (or didn’t land), MTSS is part of their daily lessons.

Earlier this year, WUNC, published an article stating that more funding for special needs is needed. Currently, 13 percent is the funding limit in NC. That’s roughly $5,300.00 per special needs student. Considering that universal screening to identify students is used, this should raise concerns. Universal screening means EVERY student is tested, not just those who display behavior or development issues. The article also stated that Specialized Private Schools could be the blanket answer. Either way, NC’s General Assembly would have to pass laws to address these growing concerns.

Did you know that NC already receives 5 grants for Exceptional Children? NC Legislative Tuition Grant, Student Incentive Grant, NC Education Lottery Scholarship, University of NC Need-Based Grant and NC Need-Based Scholarship.

Iredell County’s Universal Screening:

Did you know that as early as 2010, Iredell County was using a form of ‘RoI’ (Return on Investment) on our students (about $5 million in a federal government grant)? According to the U.S. Dept. of Education’s archived information, COMPASS (Collaborative Organizational Model to Promote Aligned Support Structures) was put into action to use high stakes testing and massive data tracking (aka: RtI, Response to Intervention)? RtI is part of MTSS. COMPASS, in some form, has been transferred into I-SS (as well as all used in all the other NC counties) since then. Operation Polaris is the current model being used.
In OP, SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Trackable) are set in stone. These “Goals” are federal and state mandated, NOT parent created. These Goals mean that very little when is ‘personalized’ will matter. The algorithms used are standardized, not individualized!

The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) is also a universal screening used in I-SS schools. It’s also used in other States. According to the I-SS website, CogAT helps close achievement gaps and improve aligned operations. In other words, your child’s abilities are measured in data. Data off our children’s test scores is the ‘new cash cow’. The corporate-state gets funding based on the data. The funding is said to improve education, but HAS it, really? Your child is worth far more than a dollar sign for a system that doesn’t care about their intellectual prowess.

The I-SS CogAT requires that 3rd-12th grades receive it. A score of at least 40 points means your student will be accepted into the gifted/talented portion.

An Unspoken Concern:

The use of psychotropics in our children, especially from school based interventions is definitely
on the rise. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Volume 59, Number 4 of April 2020) discussed this at great length. These drugs which have been deemed as ‘safe and effective’ were advocated by the US Surgeon General. The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychiatric Association, National Alliance in Mental Illness, Children and Adults with ADHD and Hyperactivity and other national/international groups support the blanket use of these.
We must question, how many of our students really need these drugs?
How many of our students are actually being harmed by short/long term use of these?

The International Gifted/Talented Organization:

Earlier, in the article, I stressed that the root of special needs/gifted and talented was brought to the USA. In researching for this article, as well as a podcast on this topic, I found the complete history of the WCGTC (World Council for Gifted/Talented Children).
Since 1975, this group has sought to continue to reshape the ‘normal’ psychometric curve in children. In other words, to cause education to become as generic and cookie cutter as possible so that ALL could achieve what the United Nations laid out. In the 61 paged document of the history of the group, you can find this evidence on pages 7 & 8. (Click the “History by Dorothy Sisk” to download the document) The danger in this is that the US is a full participant in this data driven/technology effort to align our children’s thinking, not personalizing it.

Did you notice the image of the maze surrounding the child? It’s very similar to the NC Whole Child Model of a child in the middle of a circle. The circle, like the maze, is full of all the special interest groups overreaching into a child’s education for the sake of ‘complete education’.

On page 8, Jean Houston (Director of Foundation for Mind Research in NY) was quoted “Never before have we had so much ability and responsibility for the remaking of ourselves and our world.” Included in her definition of a remade person: a new style of human being with a new humanity. Dr. Houston is a recognized UN associate who specializes in social engineering (aka:
government or special interest group controlled ‘outcomes’ for citizens)

Takeaway Actions:
1) Be a tough parent and participate in the programs used for any part of the Spectrum. Advocate for those in the middle of all of this. Who’s falling through any cracks? Ask the questions that keep those in leadership IN CHECK.

Takeaway Actions cont’d:
2) Take an hour and listen to this recent podcast from The Reason We Learn (Charlotte NC based). Access the entire list of links and resources listed, read the comments from parents, too. The information given will include much of what this article does, but will also have so much more to use.

3) Meet with other parents. You may find you have more in common than using the same school.
Unity, especially in calling out mediocrity in education, is a great tool for parents!

To Find Out More:
Contact Lynne for questions or to speak to your group: [email protected]
Visit her website: (click on the ‘donations’ tab if you wish to bless any of my work)