PACs and Media Sway Primary Voters. Be Vigilant to Make Your Vote Count

Primary political efforts are in full swing. In the D10 race for Patrick McHenry’s vacated seat, an interesting set of political moves were made. Pat Harrigan who had been planning to unseat Tim Moore as Speaker of the House filed for McHenry’s vacancy. Soon after, Representative Grey Mills left his House seat to run as well. The result of Mills leaving his seat left the Iredell GOP scrambling to find a good candidate to replace him. Todd Carver, a former Iredell Statesville School Board member who is remembered for voting to keep masks on kids and continued ridiculous quarantine practices made up by Cooper’s comrade Mandy Cohen, was the only Republican to file in the last-minute window and will likely win as he is unopposed in the primaries and will face a Democrat in the general.

As a “new to politics activist” during Mills time in the house, I emailed him at least five times and have the records. I suggested legislation to prevent minors from being exposed to drag events which has been happening in Charlotte and Monroe. I asked for a response about draconian mask and vaccine directives. I informed him about the radicalized American Library Association and the self-proclaimed Marxist, Emily Drabinski and I encouraged support of HB 558, (Prohibit Mandatory Vaccinations). I also invited him to the Moms for Liberty Legislative Day that was held in Raleigh last May. I never received a reply. In a recent phone call with Mills, he did apologize for the lack of response.

There are five Republican candidates to choose from in this race and lots of PACS, donors and citizens are getting involved. In January, an article circulated with a 2-year-old interview of Harrigan. Suspicious of the mainstream media headline, I hit the link and listened to the full interview embedded in the FOX news piece and confirmed the headline was misleading. I liked much of what Harrigan was saying. A friend encouraged me to speak with Raquel Harrigan, we spoke over the phone and met for coffee in downtown Mooresville. She invited me to tour the gun manufacturing business that they built together in Hickory. My husband and I toured the facility with 84 other people last Saturday. Pat Harrigan and his family of four have made impressive accomplishments in a short time.

What is not impressive, is how some political folks get and stay in office because they can pay or fake their way. The high stakes and multimillion dollars behind campaigning, keeps a lot of good people out. The founders intended that each vote be from an informed citizen. However, more and more citizens have checked out, due to apathy, disgust, or lack of understanding, busyness, or defiance. Each election we see dismal voter turnout especially in primaries and local elections. Couple that with a federal education system that has been slowly changing our history books and implementing strategies and curriculums to undermine American values and you have the unravelling of our Constitutional Republic fully underway. Democrats are good at working on emotion, sound bites and offers to give you free stuff. Republicans focus on principles, low taxes, keeping government small, and supporting families, small businesses, and our constitutional rights, including the Bill of Rights as well as law and order. Republicans believe in the documents our Founders penned, the idea for America they had, and the Patriot of today knows that we have drifted far from what made this country great. We have never been perfect. We are a work in progress. But not the way Progressives seem to think. The electoral college was put in place to make sure that urban areas and simple majorities don’t create mob rule. 

Elections require funds to get messaging to the voters. It is also a known fact that negative ads achieve the results that these political experts want to persuade their voters faster than a positive ad. Laws and regulations around campaigns vary slightly from state to state. Donations can be personal or from donors and there are limits and strict reporting guidelines. They are also public record. That is not the case for political action committees (PACs). A political action committee is a tax-exempt 527 organization that pools campaign contributions from members and donates those funds to campaigns for or against candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation. {Wikipedia} A concern with PACS is that they do not have to disclose where their money is coming from and there are no donation limits like there are on individuals and businesses. GOPAC has decided to spend money against Harrigan, for Mills and voters should ask themselves why. Just like Americans for Prosperity PAC picked Haley over Trump. Mass texts, ads and mailers cost money and I am personally disgusted that North Carolina Republicans are pooling money together to create negative ads and twist words, against a fellow Republican, Green-Beret Veteran who served in Afghanistan, and built a business to protect and provide our right to bear arms. The last mailer I saw sank so low as to compare Pat Harrigan to Biden. Especially egregious because the botched retreat from Afghanistan by the Biden Admin is exactly what ignited Harrigan’s commitment to serve and do better. Again, as a “new to politics activist” I am learning all these things and I want to share what I learn with others so that We the People can become an informed group of citizens voting people in to office who will get this country back on track. I have emailed GOPAC asking for a comment.

Back to the Fox News article and GOPAC mailer. I encourage you to listen to the interview yourself. Please remember it was two years ago. Side note, why has it taken so long for our state governors to unite and defend our border? What a perfect example of how divided our nation is. Not by party but by the knowing of right and wrong and how to solve problems. Even within the Republican party we fail to pull together when given majorities. We must do better. News flash! Pathway to citizenship is a real issue. Do you know what is on the statue of Liberty. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.” I know people who are still waiting on citizenship after years of working and coming in legally. It is a fact that we need reforms to speed up the pathway to citizenship for those who do it legally. Harrigan was also right, two years ago, about needing to build up our labor force in manufacturing and clearly stated he wants to secure the border and finish the wall. Two years ago, we did not know there were hotels, schools, migrant facilities, cell phones and bank rolls for these new “citizens” that the Democratic Party want to turn into voters for failed policies. 

Yes, we have a new problem and we are going to have to fix it. It will need to be done in a humanitarian way. Maybe a PAC could set up a way to do that so that the children are not trafficked instead. Harrigan also stated in the interview there is an opportunity to do right for both sides of the issue. Is this all they could find on him? That is a good sign. More on the migrant topic. I see more initiative to contend for freedom and the American Dream from many of these immigrant families who will board the top of a train called “The Beast” and risk their lives to get into this country then I do from the free citizens who live in it who will not get off their couch to go vote or listen to a candidate speak. Do I know about Soros, the World Economic Forum, Open Society Foundation, and Obama the true ‘Puppet Master,” changing our country fundamentally? Yes, I do. So, what are we going to do to wake the rest of America up before it is too late? That is what I ask myself every day. Fighting amongst ourselves is not the solution.

On Jan 25th, I attended The Iredell Republican Women’s Meeting at Twisted Oak in Statesville and listened to all three candidates who are the front runners in the D10 race. I have shaken each of their hands and had conversations with them in person, over the phone, and they are always welcome just like you to come to a public Moms for Liberty meeting the first Thursday of the month at Trinity Baptist Church. Primary season is when you pick your candidate. Iredell County is a red county, for now, but with the influx of town homes and population growth that could change. That is why it is so important that we are teaching our children, our neighbors, and our communities the values and principles that make a strong America.

Propaganda is everywhere. Do not believe everything you see. More mailers will come. More thousand-dollar ads will air. Please voters, do your research and do not be fooled by slick and expensive ad campaigns. There are some sights where you can track PAC spending. Dig Deeper. 

It is a shame we accept this as normal in our elections and how easy it is to sway population with negative ads and fake media. One day soon, Republicans and this nation as a whole need to stop fighting each other and put our money to good use solving the real problems affecting Americans every day. Our local GOP clubs should all get in a room for debate, discussion, and comparison of resumes to decide who the best candidate to put forward should be and they should be reasonable people who can work well with people who do not think like them or agree with them because that is the reality of the opposing views that create the Democratic and Republican platforms of this 2 party system in which Independents often get to pick winners. We all must live on this earth together, God gave us free will, and He also gave us His Word, His Son, His Spirit, and this great nation that is a light to the world. We can not let it fail. We can not shrink back. We must return to common sense, Constitutional freedoms, and seek solutions for the weakest and most desperate in society. If the money in PACS was used for people and problem solving instead of sound bites, signs and mailers that end up littering our roads and in the trash, maybe this nation could begin its repair. 

Right now, we need reform and a total overhaul from the failed BidenObama Administration and long years of greedy politicians padding their pockets and destroying our nation. In elections. In campaign financing. In government spending. We need an audit of every government agency. We need to cut back and eliminate waste and attend to the open wounds of America before we can help any other nation. We must secure the border at all cost. The national guard from multiple states must secure it and it should have been done 3 years ago. We must send people to Washington DC who will not waver and who will work with anyone they have to, to start fixing the problems of our nation brought about by wasteful spending and failed programs that have led to urban areas becoming centers of poverty, drugs, and crime. We must protect individual freedoms from draconian health care mandates. Fix a failing education system, and address a mental health crisis in our youth. We must inspire men to be men and women to be women. We must teach our children that they are strong and mighty and that they can overcome the evils they see with the help of Our Father in Heaven and the power in his Word and Spirit. We need a revival and a return to decency. And it starts with YOU!

What we can do in Iredell County? Get out and get to know candidates running in the primaries. Call them, email them, and ask them questions. Trust but verify. They work for us. We cannot keep getting this wrong. I hope that all of you reading this agree and are committed to know better and do better. We the People need servant leaders with high morals, intelligence, and a track record of success to fix America. The way this self-government system works requires great effort and sacrifice.

The conclusion I have after hearing from each of the candidates running in D10 is this. I believe that God is calling each one of them to be a part of the solution. Each one is answering the call. I see evidence of right motive, agreement on the pressing issues, and proven track records. Mills is a family man with an A voting record while serving in the House. McGowan is a seasoned boots on the ground, activist, fighter and knows the issues facing Americans today. Harrigan is an American hero, green-beret combat veteran, husband, father, and small business man defending 2A. I choose them all to help save America and I choose anyone else who will say yes. The fact is. We are in a situation called ALL HANDS ON DECK. You will have no one to blame but yourself if we watch another four years of failed policies, apathetic people, and wishful thinking. It is time to fight like you have never fought before for America. In your homes, at your school, in the office, church and on social media. Then PRAY. VOTE. STAND. And live like you mean it in 2024. Only one will win in each race. Commit to cast your vote. Each one of us are running our own race. Fix your eyes on Christ the Author and Finisher of our Faith and go, go, go!

Many opportunities exist to meet the candidates that are running in the primaries to earn their spot in the general election. Do not miss out on your opportunity to be educated and make the right choice for our future. Do not let the PACS and SUPERPACS and Lamestream Media influence your intuition, intelligence, and integrity. Get informed and get out to vote on March 5th.

Raquel Harrigan will be attending the Moms for Liberty meeting at Trinity Baptist on Feb 1st at 6:30 along with Michele Morrow who is running for State Superintendent. Brooke McGowan will also be speaking at an event at Fifth Creek Church in Statesville with candidates in other races on Feb 7th you must RSVP to attend. Seats are going fast! 

We are posting an extensive list of opportunities to engage in your civic duty on this page and we ask that you share this list and this message to SAVE AMERICA!   

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

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