District 3 Iredell Statesville School Board Member Faces Hearing to Determine Eligibility December 1st

Abby Trent’s eligibility was challenged November 17th at the Board of Elections in Statesville based on evidence that she may no longer reside in the district. A preliminary hearing showed probable cause to move forward to a full hearing. If it is determined at the full hearing that she is no longer a resident of the district, then Trent would no longer be able to vote in that district. This in turn would enact the laws and statutes that would make her ineligible to serve on the school board.

NC GS 160A-59, Article 5, Form of Government, Qualifications for elective office:

All city officers elected by the people shall possess the qualifications set out in Article VI of the Constitution. In addition, when the city is divided into electoral districts for the purpose of electing members of the council, council members shall reside in the district they represent. When any elected city officer ceases to meet all the qualifications for holding office pursuant to the Constitution, or when a council member ceases to reside in an electoral district that he was elected to represent, the office is ipso facto vacant. (1973, c. 609.) 

NC GS 115C-35, Article 5, Local Boards of Education, How Constituted:

(b) No person residing in a local school administrative unit shall be eligible for election to the board of education of that local school administrative unit unless such person resides within the boundary lines of that local school administrative unit. (1955, c. 1372, art. 5, s. 1; 1967, c. 972, s. 1; 1969, c. 1301, s. 2; 1975, c. 855, ss. 1-3; 1981, c. 423, s. 1.)

At the hearing, Trulia records were shown that prove the house was put on the market on 10/27/2023 and pictures revealed that it was completely vacant with no furniture or anything in any rooms.

A fellow board member became aware Trent was not living in 811 N. Mulberry St. after sending a priority express package that included school board matters to the address. It was not delivered to Mulberry St, but forwarded to another address, which was confirmed by the Statesville Post Office to be outside of district 3.

During the school board meeting on Nov 6th, another fellow board member tried to get discussion about eligibility on the agenda. The chairman did not allow it on the agenda and commented that he knew what this board member was trying to do, “embarrass another board member.” Later during board comments, it became evident that the chairman had spoken to some board members about the vacancy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG8peKyt4-U Please watch at 3:34 to 3:48 to hear board member comments.  At one point the chairman claims “The Iredell County Board of Elections has ruled on this.” Not according to the result of the hearing at The BoE on Nov 17th, where the Statesville citizen had the burden of proof. It was decided that a full hearing will take place December 1st at 11am, 200 S. Center Street, Statesville. The burden of proof will then be on Trent.

Further evidence found through public record searches reveal that on the day after the November 6th school board meeting, the house 811 N. Mulberry St. owned by Trent’s grandparents, was taken off the market. Then on November 8th Trent’s name was added to the deed. It was explained at the hearing that having a deed to a home is not the same as residency. An Iredell Free News(IFN) Article Here claims that Trent “notified school district officials in August….she told the Board then and reiterated to Iredell Free News that she plans to return to her home once those renovations are completed.” However, as verified by evidence shown at the hearing, the house was vacant, had an active listing on the market, and a for sale sign in the yard. The election board agreed those facts negated any intent of moving back in.

IFN has posted another article and comment from Trent. Article Here By rule, Trent was not allowed to present evidence during Friday’s preliminary hearing. “I appreciate the attention of the members of the board to this matter,” she said afterward. “Today was a preliminary hearing and only the challenger was allowed to speak and provide information. I am looking forward to the December 1 hearing to present the actual facts and give a true version of what has happened regarding my temporary residency issues.”

Since the hearing, Trent has since filed charges against some individuals who have brought this to light. Article Here