Human life is an array of experiences for our senses, our physical body and our learning ability. Exposure at a vulnerable age can be harmful for a life time. Sunshine feels good on my skin and gives me brilliant light to see the world, but it has the potential to burn me with too much exposure. Excessive sun exposure early in life increases the risk of skin cancer later in life.
Exposure to toxins, like alcohol, during fetal development has documented negative effects. The diagnosis is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. How much is bad? How much is toxic? Life limiting effects from fetal alcohol exposure seems good to avoid, but parents have a choice.
The definition of exposure can be related to disclosure, as in information, or vulnerability, as in being left without protection against harm. All the experiences and knowledge of the world seem desirable and exciting. We want the power of knowledge, but when is the right time?
School age children are being exposed to words and pictures that are burning pornographic information into their vulnerable young minds. Teaching in school is supposed to help children capture the fundamentals or building blocks of education. Learning to identify the letters of the alphabet and then use them to make words is fundamental. Repetition to these fundamentals of learning is what cements these concepts into their minds.
The brains of the students aged seven to eleven years are very concrete. A teacher providing material to young students that includes genital exposure or sexual exploration imparts the concept that sexual behavior at this early age is normal. Not only is early sexualization detrimental to a child’s development, it is not the role of a school teacher to present the material. Parents, you have authority over the information that your child is being exposed to in school. Investigate whether it is good, bad or toxic in your child’s life. Toxic exposure of inappropriate material for your child can have life limiting anxiety and mental distress. Good, bad or toxic. Parents decide.

Serenity Cheryl