I-SS Chairman Howell’s Lack of Due Process

My name is John Taylor of Mooresville. I have no children in the school system. I did, however, raise this right hand and swore before God to support and defend the Constitution, to “…secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY”.

My wife and I also emailed Chairman Howell, cc’ing the entire board.

I strongly protest Chairman Howell’s lack of due process when he led board members Kelly, Knight, and Trent to strip Mr. Kubiniec of his vice chairmanship. Chairman Howell then attempted a censure vote, again without due process. Had Mrs. Kurn’s motion to go into closed session not passed, Mr. Howell may well have succeeded.

I’m not taking sides; I have only heard accusations without corroborating evidence.

Each one of you invoked Almighty God to witness your Oath to uphold the Constitution. You did not bind yourselves to agree with or like Mr. Kubiniec. But you DID bind yourselves to exercise due process, because it is woven into the Bill of Rights’ very fabric – even to the worst of scoundrels.

I ask you four with more sorrow than anger: Did you act out of malice? Or was it ignorance? Either way, I ask you to do some serious soul searching.

I had hoped to speak to defend your Constitutional right to pray at your meetings. But after watching four Oath Breakers take God’s Name in vain last month, I will not encourage you to pray what you will REALLY mean: “Lord, grant us success in violating our Oath to follow the Bill of Rights.”

Thank you.